Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I feel that this is something that needs to be addressed, something most people don't even realize, but it's repercussions can be tragic. Hangers on the floor. While shopping I always notice hangers on the floor, andI always bend down to pick up the ones that are in my way, because there have been instances where I stepped on a hanger on the floor, and I lose control as my foot slides again the floor via the hanger. Since I've been shopping almost forever and have been aware of this problem for a number of years, I am set. When i see a hanger, I know not to step on it, and just pick it up. However, there are many folks out there who are not aware of the dangers of stepping on hangers on smooth surfaces. So it is our duty to spread awareness of this issue and to pick up the hangers we see on the floors, making our shopping experiences and that of those around us much safer.


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