Monday, March 19, 2007

Bovine Flatulence

Catchy title, no? I’m rather proud of it. I can’t take the credit though, I was sitting in my team development workshop class super early this morning and a fellow team member was saying fun facts she had read about global warming, our group’s topic. Out of nowhere she said “cow fart”. I was out. It’s just one of those lines you keep saying in your head and laugh every time you hear it. But it went on-she explained that the article she read was about all of the pollutants in the environment, and how countries like India and china are the greatest polluters due to lack of recycling programs etc. Then another pollutant she came across was bovine flatulence, i.e. cow farts.
Funny I speak of recycling, last night I had the privilege of attending (bridesmaiding!) the most beautiful wedding eva! Now my friend is very clever, rather than having the traditional wedding cake that no one eats, she had tiers of cupcakes on a stand and each individual cupcake had one of those hard flowers. I must have eaten 4 or 5 of just the flower last night, but since there were doggy bags, I took home 2 more and I am noshing on one as we speak. I mean seriously, it was brilliant-everyone always fights over the flower piece on the cake, it’s my favorite part-I don’t even love cake-I love the flower. And I love custard. YUMM-OO.
On the way back from the wedding of the century, it was brought to my attention that I have yet another fan. Normally when writing my notes, the tags mainly go out to those who I know truly read it and would be honored to get the shout out. After meeting more and more fans, I realized there are so many fans that go untagged. So today’s note is dedicated to the anonymous fans. Now while on the topic of “anonymous”, I want to thank ALL of you for your good wishes. Yes last week was rough, fever was high, and without all you folks, I may not have made it through. So thanx you guys! Moreover, I want to thank the anonymous chicken soup donor. I still don’t know who you are, but for almost a week now, you have kept me very curious. Thank You.
The last thought of the night, was actually a topic suggested by a dedicated fan (Hi Aunt Jill!) regarding all you can eat buffets. Is it possible that these buffets are simply old food that the restaurant doesn’t want to use for the “real” menu. Is that why these buffets are usually earlier in the week? Truth be told, even if that were the case, that won’t stop me. Everybody loves leftovers!


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