Sunday, September 03, 2006

How Old am I?

This past Motzash, I had the privilege to see the movie Beerfest. i highly recommend any guy to go see it, definitely not a place for a girl, a frum girl, a nice frum Jewish girl. The movie involved a lot of beer drinking, and following many gulps of beer was a loud gross burp. Just writing this is making me giggle. I found that after each burp, I burst out in uncontrollable laughter, and I was the only one in the theater laughing. Granted it was a very raining Saturday night at about 12:30, but I was the only one laughing! Am I super immature? Does anyone else go into hysterics when they hear someone fart or burp? How about when you are at the Shabbos table at a friends house, and the Dad lets out a belch. Everyone around the table is used to their dad burping, but me the outsider thinks this is funnier than the word "doody". Just say it. Doody.


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