Banana Hammock
And yet another holiday weekend spent at the beach. For the first time in my summer beach outing experience '06, i opted against the SPF 900, and at last achieved the golden brown glow I have been striving to obtain since Memorial Day, Woo Woo. The beach for today was suprisingly Brighton Beach. It's a rather interesting place, speedos of all different shapes, sizes and colors-even a yellow one with ruffles which believe it or not was hotter than you think. It's the only beach I know of that sells corn on the cob and has a man that will carve a mango for you, not the kind of service you will find anywhere else. On the way back to the car, we encountered a Russian flea market, and i got a pretty hot looking leopard print necklace for $3. What an awesome day. In the meantime I'm trying to figure out what to wear to school tomorrow. In a recent article in Harper's Bazaar magazine, it was saying how women never have enough clothing and always have to go shopping for new stuff. That is very true, but here's a thought to sleep on. When you ask a women what her favorite outfit is, chances are it will be her newest one. Interesting.
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