Sunday, November 19, 2006

Last Thursday morning was kind of nutty. I had not been able to register for next semester, but I immediately blamed my own ignorance for that. So you can imagine how shocked I was when I found out that it had nothing to do with me afterall. Turns out there was a stop on my account because one day the health department came to do an audit and saw that my immunization form was filled out all wrong. They said I had one month left at the school before I get thrown out(thanks for telling me this before registration). Stupid pediatrition! I was a little bitter about that so I treated myself to an early latte. As I was walking back I saw that there was a blood drive going on. I assured the people that I would come back during my break to donate. I had plans to Milk and Honey it for lunch, but my good pal who is very hard working told me she would be running late, so I went to donate the blood. I kept telling myself that it will only take 20 minutes, but I was a little off. I went into the booth with a really nice foreign man. He was going over my application, he checked my hemoglobin level which was at a whopping 14.3(beat that), my blood pressure(110/66), my temperature(98.6), and then he asked me my weight. My weight fluctuates throughout the week depending on how much I eat, but I knew that I definitely beat the required weight of 110 pounds. Honestly, weighing myself is not something I do on a daily basis, so when asked my weight, I could only ballpark it. I just said, "I'm definitely not 110 pounds", he looks at me and says ""I know you're not 110 pounds", so I was like "Excuse me? Are you calling me fat?" Let's just say I qualified to give blood that morning.
I went to the next area and sat in the giant beach chairs. There were about five of us in there, so I started shmoozing. "Where you guys from, what's your major, Did you register yet(cuz I sure didn't)" We were having fun, all of us girls just sitting there as we all collectively lost over a gallon of blood. Then I started talking to the nice lady who was taking the blood. I asked her the fastest anyone gave blood-5 minutes. And the slowest? 20 minutes. I had hit the 25 minute mark. (record!)I was doing fine, hocking as always and alas it was time. This punk comes along to take out the needle, and out of nowhere I started feeling a little woozy. A few seconds later I was out. Let's just say I didn't Milk and Honey it this past Thursday.
The rest of my day was magical. I lost an earring, but now I have an excuse for a new pair, I battled in a court case with my fellow classmates-and soooo won, and hit it up at the circus. Friday morning I called health services and found out I was finally able to register. And after months and months of waiting, the cheetah print driving mocs at J Crew finally went on sale. Things are looking up for Alison.
Just to answer some fans questions that had been submitted:

Q:Is it ever okay to wear brown shoes and a black belt?
A:Well it all depends on the shirt. It's definitely not okay to wear the brown shoes, black belt and gray pants, but lets say your pants are tan, or better yet rust? It all depends on the rest of the outfit.

Q:Collar under a sweater:In or out?
A:Out! Pop the collar, and never ever used the button that go under the collar corners

Q:Socks, should they match the shoes or the pants?
A:It really doesn't make such a difference, they should not be visible, your pants should be long enough to cover them! But under no circumstances are you to ever wear white socks-so quit shopping at Modell's.

Q:How come you never tag me to your notes, you had a chance back in "Stein this on is for you", and again in "Donde esta my dreidel". Come on already!
A:You got it woman!

Just as some closing remarks, I did get to register in the end and came out with a pretty rockin' schedule afterall. The shoes were purchased and are feeling great. Calvin Klein won the case that was debated in my licensing class. I had my Milk and Honey lunch at dinner time. And I'm still waiting to hear breaking news that my A+ blood saved the lives of millions out in Africa.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Donde` Esta My Dreidel?

As we approach the holiday season, work is getting a little nuts. Between the sales and new merchandise, if you really listen closely, about every 20 minutes you can actually hear a Christmas ornament shatter at Anthro. Some people are just so clumzy-they'll look at something, examine it super-carefully, look at the price and debate in their head whether they should buy it or not. After 20 minutes of careful inspection, they drop it. Oops, and then they flee the store.
I am looking forward to the holiday season for many many reasons. First off being that I'm going to Israel-what can be better than that. I was fully aware that I would be missing Black Friday, but honestly who wants to shop on the biggest shopping day of the year. The dumb tourists are all over the place. Speaking of which, nothing ticks me off more than slow-walkers. I have places to go, I run late to oh-so-many functions and the slow-walkers are partially if not completely to blame. The only people I will cut some slack for are the elderly, handicapped and I guess tourists-afterall, they probably paid good money to see the city, so let them enjoy, offer to take pictures of the with the Empire State building and be sure not to run away with their camera-they don't like when you do that. Otherwise, speed it up yo! What I like most about post-Thanksgiving shopping has got to be the start of holiday music. Some personal faves are "All I Want for Christmas", "Rhudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", "Santa Clause is Coming to Town", "Let's Hear Those Sleigh Bells Ringling(is that the name of the song?)", "I Had a Little Dreidel" but the top one on my list is one that was discovered by myself and Sam(who's engaged!) is "Donde Esta Santa Clause", so keeps your ears open because we heard it late in the season and having been waiting since last year to hear it again.
I know I haven't spoken about school in a while, which is a good thing, because there is really nothing to speak about. I haven't gotten lost, but I did set off an emergency alarm in the library today-that got me a lot of attention, lemme tell ya. Not to mention, there was a huge stop sign in front of the door I opened. But in my defense, I don't drive, so I don't really notice these signs you kids speak of. So just to serve as a "heads up", if you are ever in the FIT library, and you see a stop sign in front of a door, STOP. And turn back around!