Thursday, October 05, 2006

Extra Time

You know the feeling when you have a bijillion things to do and can't possibly imagine that you'll get through all of it, but once you're done it really wasn't such a big deal? As of Sunday, I knew there was going to be a lot going on this week. I had 4 papers, a quiz, work and a bunch of reading. Above all, Yom Kippur-which I used an excuse for not doing any of it til the last minute. I had my alarm set this morning for 6:45, 30 minutes earlier than usual-I got out of bed at 7 and immediately worked on my paper that is due this afternoon. Suddenly I see the time and realized that I was running late so I printed it (yay!), grabbed a banana and ran. Here are the thoughts that went through my head as I was walking to the subway:
1) I look really hot holding this banana, I think it looks even hotter than holding a Starbucks cup.
2) Where are all the Bais Yaacov girls? I pass them every morning, they probably have off today-they always have off erev-erev a chag(Jewish holiday).
3) I kinda want a muffin. I rarely eat muffins, but today I had such a craving.
Ok, so I'm sitting on the train which was emptier than usual. Sometimes I have to wait on the platform because there is no room and today not only did I get on first round, but I even got a seat! Still hungry from my lack of breakfast, I decided to stop in Whole Food and get a drink there. They have awesome juices. I like juice. Whole Food opens at 8:00, I look at my Ipod, and it's 7:51. They're not open yet. "Wait a minute, it's 7:51! Class starts at 9:00, and I'm the biggest idiot!". Seriously. First stop, back on the train, I'm headed to the kosher Dunkin Donuts on 34th, I'm getting me that muffin. Imagine getting an extra hour in the morning, and yet, I had nothing to do but go across town to get a muffin. I got it and slowly made my way back to FIT. I get upstairs, safely (that means I didn't get lost) and there is a sign on the door. Class Canceled!


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