Saturday, September 30, 2006

Shop To It!

Old Navy has such clever lines, originating with "Get your fash' on", and my new Old Navy credit card which reads "Shop to it", what brilliant folks over at Gap Inc. On a different note, I'm reminded of a funny incident that happened a little over a month ago-if you've heard the story, deal with it. I went to West Orange for the weekend with my good pal Malki. We slept in the downstairs of a Condo, nice place. Seeing that I'm the shiksa(goy) of the bunch, when I heard them saying they wanted to go to shul(synogoue) at 8 something in the morning, I said, how bout I'll go with your mom at 10:15. Honestly, I get so antsy if I'm there too long and I find that my prayers are more meaningful if I'm not antsy, so it only makes sense that I go to shul late and make the most out of it. At 9:50 I woke up but to see Malki's bed was made all nice and neatly. Who makes their beds on Shab? I mean you're gonna be right back in it after lunch, what's up with that? So I said to myself "this isn't right", I completely demolished this freshly made bed. About a minute later, I realized it would be funnier if I made my bed. And I did just that, I left her side looking like a pig rolled out of it, my side looked like it was made for a queen. I get to shul, just in time for Torah reading (perfect!), and I played it cool, didn't say a word. We get back to our room and Malki takes a look at it and thinks "this doesn't look right", and she made it again. She walks out of the room, and I'm right behind her, and I just quickly messed it up again. She went back in the room for a second to put something down, and she saw that it was undone again. I guess she caught on. And yet, she re-made her bed! Lunch lasted til about 4 in the afternoon. At about 3:30, I slickly went downstairs, this time, I removed all the bedding, sheets, pillows etc, and threw them in a different room. I am quite the prankster. Maybe you had to be there, but take my word for it, it was pretty darn funny.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Going the Extra Mile

Today on the job some pregnant lady came into the fitting room. She was wearing an Anthro shirt and was holding a few items. She kept coming out and looking in the mirror in disgust, "I look too fat", "I can't look at myself", "I'm only going to get bigger" were some of the comments I heard. I kept encouraging her that she looked cute, and then I remembered something. Some pregnant chick came in 2 weeks ago and tried on this shirt and it fit her perfectly. "I know just what you should try on, can I get a runner to the fitting room please", I walkied. I told the runner a few items to bring on over. She tried them on and they fit the lady beautifully! She called her husband into the room, I thought it was a little weird, he was in the room with her for about 15 minutes. The room isn't more than 6 square feet, I wonder what they were doing in there. The lady came out to thank me, and then I told her about a maternity sample sale. She was ecstatic! In the end she made the purchase-almost $500 for 4 items! The lesson here: In life it is important to go the extra mile. As we are now in the midst of Aseret Yimei T'shuva, I say we all try to go the extra mile-it feels great!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Plaid is Bad

So I must admit that it's been a while since I've posted but I do have ideas of postings daily.
So a while ago I was riding the subway and I looked down and noticed someone wearing plaid pants. Then it got me's not the '70s are plaid pants back in style?

So plaid pants can only be worn on certain conditions.
Firstly: they can't be too tight or too lose. They are not meant to be worn like skinny jeans, or like gauchos. They can fit like slacks; slim by the waist and loose by the ankles. They are great beacuse they can be dressed down for day with a colid button down, and dressed up at night with beads or a belt.
Guys can even wear plaid pants for golfing.
If only plaid skirts were as hot...


Kaw is the sound pigeons make, right? This morning I was out of the house making excellent timing and of course I happened to be ridingon a train that was moving slower than a pigeon and then it stalled for about 20 minutes. I got off the F train on 23rd and 6th 9:04, class starts at 9:10 on 27th and 8th on the 7th floor. It may sound close, but that's 4 blocks plus one and a half avenue blocks and pedestrian traffic was like the kind you see at Macys during holiday season. I ran, I was literally running through the streets- running, and when I run, I smile. I was running and smiling through the streets. By 9:09 I made it to the B building(class is in the A building, but I can only find the room when I enter through the B building). Class starts for the entire school at 9:10, so everyone that was on the escalator was late, this is the only time that it is acceptable to walk up the escalator. So everyone is walking, except for the young women in front of me because she had to wear stiletto boots. That kinda got me thinking, when is Gucci gonna come out with peep-toe boots? I have never seen them before, they would be hot stuff. Interesting. Anyway, so this girl in front of me isn't moving, and it was now 9:10, I cannot be late for this class, but I couldn't push through either, that would be rude. I would rather be late than rude. Once I reached 7, I ran through the halls and made it to my class at 9:12, of course the only empty seat is in the dead center of the front row, I think that's my permanent seat at this point. And what a miracle, the professor was writing a 6 month plan on the board, and he had his back faced to the class, and there I sat gasping for air and sweating like a fat man. I made it.
After that I knew I deserved a good lunch. I arranged to meet 2 friends at Milk and Honey, where I had a wicked awesome salad and a complementary everything bagel. The place was pretty happening so we took it to go in the park across the the street. As I took out my salad, the everything topping had gotten all over the place, so I shook it off on the ground. Big mistake. Before I knew it, pigeons from far and wide had come to eat the seeds. They were all over the place, under my chair-I kicked a pigeon, it was disgusting. After me yelling "Kawww, Kawwww", they still didn't leave, so I sat on my feet for the remainder of the meal. As I left I was drinking my Snapple, and reading the "real fact" under the cap. "A pigeon's feathers weigh more than their bones". You better believe it.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Life As a Frummy Part I

Is "Frummy" an English word? Because today at work one of my co-workers was trying this rather bland looking dress and as she checked herself out in the mirror, she said "this dress makes me look like such a frummy", I nodded in agreement. Although thought that was our thing! Now this chick is definitely NOT Jewish because she was working this past Shab, which was Rosh Hashana, so even if she was a little bit Jewish the fact that she was working on Rosh Hashana takes that away. But fine. So as many of you know, I work at Anthro and they put me on call a lot. That means that about 2 hours before I'm "on call", I call and ask if they need me. They usually don't, so I didn't bother to find a replacement when I saw that I was down for the 3-8 shift on a fast day. As a I woke up from my nap today at about 1:45 today, I decided to call in and confirm that they don't need me, and guess what? They needed me, what are the odds? So I went in, and there were more Jews shopping than ever, because if a frum Jewish girl can't eat, she shops. So at around 6:30 these 3 girls come in to try on mountains of skirts, and one by one they asked me my opinion. I'm pretty honest about stuff like that, because who am I kidding, if it doesn't look good, they will come back and return it. So I told the girl that I didn't like the skirt. I really didn't, I think it is the ugliest skirt I have ever seen and does not deserve to be sold at Anthro, so it may have looked good on her, but the ugliness of the skirt is so blinding, I felt like I had to tell her that I just don't like it. Then one of her friends asked me what I thought of some other skirt. It was plain and black, nothing special, not worth $188, so I told her that I didn't love it. Now here I was in a long sleeve turtle neck shirt(dark purple), and a full circle drop waist denim skirt(from Anthro, so I was allowed to wear it)that fell right below my knee, and super hot Mocs from J Crew, probably the most comfortable shoes me feet have ever been in. I was epitome of Jewish girl working at Anthro, and this girl starts explaining "well we need to wear skirts on a regular basis...." So I do I punk! I didn't say that, instead I pretended to be interested. At last they left, and shocker, they didn't buy anything!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let's Go Jews

The rally. That's all we spoke about in high school, the biggest hock ever was going to the rally. Yesterday I went to "the rally". I didn't really get in, but it was definitely a hock. I saw everyone and anyone's younger sibling, and of course I made sure to embarrass them to the best of my ability by shouting out "Hey, it's Malki's brother!, " Yoooo, Tali's sister!", "Wasssup Michael's sister!" she's like, you know I have a name, right? The streets were beyond packed, the barricades were up and running and pedestrian traffic was at it's peak. And it was because of us! So shout out to the Jews.
On a different note, I left my cell phone at home today. It wasn't on purpose, just with the high holy days approaching I have a lot to do in the morning. I didn't realize that I forgot my phone until I hit the train station, and since I was already running late, I couldn't go back home. I looked at is as a test. I have a very close relationship with my phone. It is my watch, camera and much much more. I must look at my phone about 130 times during the day. I use it to text during class and then shmooze after. People with cell phones used to look cool, they look as though they are popular and have someone to talk to when in fact they are so bored with themselves they are just talking to the some person who happens to have the same schedule. When you see someone you kinda know approaching you, but you don't want to say hi, you take out your cell and stare as though you just received a text from the president. I admit it, I do that, but I am trying to break the habit. It is no longer cool to look at your cell. I saw this as an opportunity, could I survive without a cell? Let's see.
OK, so I made it through half the day. I used my Ipod to tell time. My friend was running late to class so she had texted me. I missed that one. a friend of mine wanted to do lunch, I missed that too. Another friend who I talk to everyday around the same time just wanted to shmooze, and I missed that. Bottom line, I don't need the cell for me, I need it strictly for others. I'm not dumping my phone, I love him, I wouldn't do such a thing. All I'm saying is that sometimes you need to go on a break, it will only help our relationship in the long run.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Who Needs Friends When You Have Torah?

Fine, I don't totally agree with the title because for the past 22 years I had both. I admit it was a little funny when I got stuck in the staircase, and when for the life of me I couldn't get into the caf. It was even a little funny when I couldn't find the bathroom, but on week #4, I still find myself walking into class late because I got lost on my way up. As for friends, I'm pretty much set with my lifelong friends, so I'm not really concerned about that. Maybe I'll turn on some "Al-charm", that'll work the crowd.
I find that I only enjoy classes that I participate in, today was good, but tomorrow is probably gonna be 3 hours of Su Doku, I'm getting real good at it. I really touched when my advertising professor said "I've been hearing a lot from you, what's your name?" The professor asked me my name! It may not sound like a big deal, but none of my peers have asked me my name. Some chick from class saw me in the bookstore one day and said her professor kept calling her Alison Siegel, and she thought of me. she's nice, I guess I like her. Another girl tracked me down after my unforgettable presentation to ask me if I had a partner for the final project. Somehow I think I attract the internationals more than the locals. I was walking somewhere, not so sure where I am in this place, and 2 fellow classmates from Bangkok said Hi. That was sweet. Perhaps I'm just being a drama queen, at least people remember me, it's not like I'm the nebby girl that sits in the back that is invisible. I guess I'm just a pretty intimidating kinda gal.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Season's Greetings

It's Motzash in early September which means no sushi man at J2 and no parties that need crashing, so why not go to Slichot. All decked out in my super long undershirt and old school Camp Lavi sweatshirt, I headed off to the Bialystoker Synogogue. I know it's not a girls' thing to go to Slichot, but that will be one of me New Year's resolutions; to go to Slichot, and so far I'm 1:1. Being that this was probably the second time I said slichot ever, I wasn't so familiar with the services except for the phrases I knew from songs (off the top of my head, shout out to The Alumni's "Bau", and V'Haviainu 2's "V'Harainu"), so it didn't come as a shock that the entire shul was about 3 Artscroll pages ahead of me. And yet somehow, I only finished about a minute later than the rest of the congregation, I guess it was some sorta Slichot Miracle.
Throughout the davening, besides thinking about the davening itself and the fear that the shul closing with me still in it catching up, I was thinking of an event that took place a few hours earlier. I was walking back into shul at the start of Kedusha when I saw my little friend Ezra, 4, trying to open the doors to get in the men's section. As he was struggling, I called out his name so I could say hey. He comes over and we were shmoozing about some deep meaningful stuff, and then I asked him if he caught a lot of candy, because there was a Bar Mitzvah going on. He said yes, and then he started smiling, I told him he should come upstairs with me because I had an extra red Sunkist. He was so excited he takes my hand and walks upstairs with me. I give him my candy and then he asked if he can have another one for his little brother. Of course! And skipped off happily back to Shabbos groups. The sound of my stomach rumbling reminded me of this during Slichot.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Do I Look Confused?

You know when there's a kid that's really smart and their parents skip them ahead to the next grade simply because they are bored with the material they are learning? Well today I was sitting in class, and this professor wants to make sure everyone is understanding the material so for about 7 minutes she went around the room asking everyone one-by-one if they get. This class isn't rocket science. Yes, I know what 10% of 100 is. No, further explanation won't be necessary at this time. a few minutes later she put a problem on the board. In a matter of seconds I came up with the solution. outloud, I said the answer is 12.5%, she wrote my correct answer on the board. Then she looks at me straight in the eye, and said "do you get it, you look confused". I shot her a nasty look and said "but professor, I just gave you the answer". She said "well you like you're either confused or bored". My response was "I'm bored, very very bored".
By lunch hour I usually have an accumulation of about 4 different newspapers. There's my AM New York, Metro, The Daily News and of course WWD. I'm going through a phase at the moment where I try to sound as intelligent and worldly as possible, so all I wanted was a quiet lunch with me and my papers. I had a rather elegant lunch at J2 in the upstairs part, it was more quiet than a library, it was awesome. Until this man walked in and started talking to himself, then 2 older came up and I was more focused on their pathetic conversation than my Women's Wear Daily. It was so awkward, one man sits down and announces that some dude's wife just passed away, a few minutes go by until the other guy said "well did you hear that Irv and his wife are getting divorced?", 3 minute pause. "Hmmm, I think I'm going to cash in my 401K this week". The 2 men were going back and forth until I just got up and left.
On 32nd and 7th, I see some chick talking on her cell phone and trying to catch a cab at the same time. She didn't put out her arm like a civilized person, she shouted, and I mean shouted "CAB" and when a cab passed her she started cursing him out. What an idiot.
In my afternoon class, the professor was doing this PowerPoint presentation and had the light off on my side room. I was falling into quasi-nap mode when I suddenly had the urge to explore building C of FIT. I rub my eyes but to see the entire left side of the room so deep into their naps they were in head bob mode.
Quite the day, but get this, I didn't get lost!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Maybe I happen to be a very considerate person, but when I go shopping and try on stuff, I have the decency to put the stuff on the hangers in the same way I found it. There are times that I will even put it back where I got it from, but that's just because I am considerate. But whether you are considerate like me or not, I still think that after trying on some merchandise, you should at the very least hang it back up, you can even leave it in the fitting room. The store in a sense is lending you their apparel for a few moments, the folks in the fitting room make you feel welcome, they offer you their assistance, the least you can do is return it to them the way you got it! Today I worked in the Anthro fitting room for an hour, and some punk old lady had the chutzpah to not only leave the clothing laying all over the place, but she left a dirty tissue. Who does that? a dirty tissue? and I can't even defend her actions and give the her the benefit of the doubt that it was old and fell out of her sleeve, because trust me, I had to pick it up and it was all fresh and moist.
in a recent study done by 2 friends of mine this afternoon, they went into a bathroom stall and wanted to see how many people wash their hands after using the facilities. They observed for about 20 minutes and found that 8 out of 10 people washed their hands. That means that about 1 out 5 people are walking around with their hands soiled. Then these people go to stores, try on clothing and get sales associates like myself soiled.
there are many ways to be considerate, this doesn't just mean going out of your way to walk by every sanitation worker or cop just to stop to say thank you, it would be nice if everyone did that, but face it, there are shy people out there too. So if you don't plan on doing that, just wash your hands!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Get a Room

In a weird way I will openly admit that I miss Queens College, not so much the college itself, but the friends and hock. At QC I was hot stuff walking and couldn't go 3 yards without waving to someone across campus. In my 3rd and last year I really caught on, I learned how to get free quadra-colored pens and Starbucks in the evenings, I even had my own locker! While all that jazz truly rocked, there was one thing that always gave me the willies: PDA Couples!!! Whatever, I live in the city, and I see all sorts of colorful people on the train on a daily basis ranging from exhibitionists to missionaries, but PDA couples? Ew. Tonight I decided to spread my wings as a social butterfly and attend a roof-deck party. I felt ultra glam in black tee, super-long tank, sold-out Anthro denim skirt (sorry for rubbing it in Tam, but ha-ha), and $1 headband from the Russian flea market. Just to get into the building the man asked me how old I was, no one ever asks me how old I am, I quickly responded 21, "But wait, I'm 22. Wanna see some ID?"I blurted. The nice man said it better not be fake, but mine is not fake for 2 reasons, first one, it has the hologram , how can one fake the hologram? And secondly, it's my learner's permit. If I was faking it, I would fake it right. Fine, so I get in, go in the elevator and reach the top floor. For some reason a man thought it was totally cool to grab my butt and direct me the right way. I could have pounded him,but I really wasn't up for it. I was greeted by some of the coolest people I will ever meet and about 90 minutes later I busted out of the joint. The elevator ride down. Just some background, this party was in a hotel, a very nice hotel. In the vator down there was this sickening PDA couple and everyone in the vator was just giggling under their breath. At first I thought it was me being immature, but the second these guys left, everyone burst out laughing. I'll close with the line the gentleman behind me said: "I was going to tell them to get a room, but we're in a hotel, so they probably have one". Shavua Tov.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Here are some of the editor's top picks for the week:
1) Nail Hardener's nail polish in "Magenta", it's a great shade of dark red, costs under $2 and can been seen on my fingers and toes-thanks to Malki they are on both.
2) Milk and Honey, a dairy restaurant on 45th between 5th and 6th(south side). The facilities are a little cramped and gets a little chaotic, so I say you take your food to the park across the street. My top pick is the salad-you are given Romain lettuce and you can put as many toppings on it at a flat rate of $8.50, plus you get a free bagel.
3)Training Camp, and shoe store directly across the street from Milk and Honey, they sell Irregular Choice shoes that retail at over $100 a pair, for $24.99 or 2 for $40. ! Personally went with a friend and we got metallic purple flats.
4) From the makers of Honest Tea, try Honest Ade in cranberry lemonade, it's lightly sweetened and has a rather pleasant aftertaste.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I Hate Macys....NOT!

I haven't been in a class yet where Macy's hasn't been mentioned. When the professor asks if anyone shops at Macy's, everyone looks down as though he just asked if anyone reads porn. It even got to a point where someone just said "Oh, that's right, FIT students don't like Macy's", and they say it as though it should be common knowledge. Now I admit that I really haven't shopped there in quite a while, but I wouldn't go to the extreme of saying I hate the place. Yesterday I decided to stop by during my lunch break to browse the shoe department. I had come across a pair of Cynthia Rowley mint green suede peep toe pumps with an alligator texture, retailed at $215 on sale for 19.99! And yet I had succumbed to the pressure of not being accepted by my peers for walking into class holding a Macys bag, so I didn't make the purchase. Why should I be ashamed, they are the fourth most profitable of retail chains in America(don't quote me), they are the store that brought us the Thanksgiving Day Parade and 4th of July Firework Spectacular...And I don't want anyone to know that I shop there? Fine. So today I go back to get the shoes, and as the kind salesboy is helping me out, Laura Bennet from this season's Project Runway comes strutting her pregnant belly out of the elevator. Starstruck, I get out my phone and start snapping away on the camera, I informed Jason, the shoe guy that there's a celeb in da house. And I went over to Laura to tell her that I am a huge fan. Her mom, who was standing right there, was shepping at my enthusiasm and had a smile beaming from ear to ear. After a 5 minute shmooze, that's right, 5 minutes(!), we went to our respective departments. I bet no one at FIT would be ashamed of this! Oh, and for those of you who were at the edge of your seat wondering- no, I did not get those shoes, they could not find the other pair, however I did get a pair of Ralph pointy kitten heel navy with gold trim shoes for 15.99...BOOYAH.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Flight 10:40

When I first started QC, yes, I was the looser first year that carried around a piece of paper with her schedule written on one side and a map on the other-I was that girl that asked where every building was, and I was that girl that ran into her classroom out of breath 5 minutes late. But after three years of Queens College, I learned the ropes and was really excited to help the newbies find their way around.
today was the start of week #2 at FIT. Just to re-cap the events that took place last week;I couldn't find the ladies' room so I held it in until I got a local Gap, I was unaware of the escalator situation so I found myself running up 5 flights of stairs, and I couldn't get into the caf, because you can't "just go into the caf", you have to go through the building, present your ID to the nice security guard, and then go all the way around just to get a bottle of Aquafina. As bad as that may sound, it does not compare to the event that took place today.
I was in my morning class and the kind professor said "It's 10:20, come back at 10:40, and don't be late", excited that I knew how to go to the caf, I darted out of the class. Since I was short on time and clearly too cool to wait for the elevator, I took the stairs, afterall, the stairwell was right outside the classroom. I proceeded to walk through a series of double doors, and happily skipped down 10 flights of stairs(I was based on 5, but they were double flights). Like most stairwells, this was quiet enough for me to hear my echo, there were piles of garbage at each floor which was a little shady, and it had the staircase buzzing sound going on, but that was fine. Because I knew how to get into the caf. When i got to floor 1, I opened the door and it was locked. That's strange, so I went back up to 2. That was also locked. Okay, I thought-I'll just go back up to 5 where I started. It was also locked. Banging wouldn't help because of the double doors, and all I could think about was how bad I would look for taking an extended break. The clock as ticking, I tried to open the door on 6, nothing. I went down to 3 and 4-I thought I was going to be stuck in this staircase the rest of my life. I was picturing the headline "Timid freshman found in staircase". I began calling the 2 friends I actually have in school to see if they can rescue me, not that it would help because I didn't know where I was. As I am frantically on the phone, I see a door that said "emergency exit alarm will sound", I walked through the doors and found myself on a construction site in the middle of 8th avenue. 4 minutes later I was sitting in my seat in class.

Almost Doesn't Count

So I had an hour and a half to kill the other day while I was waiting for my phone to be fixed at Verizon. So I was walking around Manhattan when I decided to hit up the garment district in hopes of finding a nice fabric to create some garment out of. Then I saw a huge sign "50% off Closing Sale!" So I walked in the store. It was cramped with rolls of fabric lining the walls floor to ceiling, piled on the floor from the front of the store to the back.
The problem with these places is that the people that work there are super annoying and ask you every 2 minutes if they can help you. "No, I am just looking thank you." But they do help you when you actually need help-so at least they are there when you need them, and not only when you don't.
So I am looking around the store at all of the fabrics when in walks the most intriguing man. He was wearing a Fuchsia cotton blazer a striped pink button down shirt, acid washed jeans, and he had his hair stiffly gelled back. Clearly he knew his fabric well by the haste he was picking it out. He also happened to be on the phone and was talking about the show in Milan and the photographers and the girls coming for the show...And I was staring at him-I knew this guy must be a famous fashion designer. So not to look like a complete nerd-I told myself to play it cool and look completely disinterested. So I did. And I casually left a few minutes later after I bought 2 yards of fabric.
A block later I realized how much of an idiot I was that I should have actually stayed and spoke to him...There's always next time.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Banana Hammock

And yet another holiday weekend spent at the beach. For the first time in my summer beach outing experience '06, i opted against the SPF 900, and at last achieved the golden brown glow I have been striving to obtain since Memorial Day, Woo Woo. The beach for today was suprisingly Brighton Beach. It's a rather interesting place, speedos of all different shapes, sizes and colors-even a yellow one with ruffles which believe it or not was hotter than you think. It's the only beach I know of that sells corn on the cob and has a man that will carve a mango for you, not the kind of service you will find anywhere else. On the way back to the car, we encountered a Russian flea market, and i got a pretty hot looking leopard print necklace for $3. What an awesome day. In the meantime I'm trying to figure out what to wear to school tomorrow. In a recent article in Harper's Bazaar magazine, it was saying how women never have enough clothing and always have to go shopping for new stuff. That is very true, but here's a thought to sleep on. When you ask a women what her favorite outfit is, chances are it will be her newest one. Interesting.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

How Old am I?

This past Motzash, I had the privilege to see the movie Beerfest. i highly recommend any guy to go see it, definitely not a place for a girl, a frum girl, a nice frum Jewish girl. The movie involved a lot of beer drinking, and following many gulps of beer was a loud gross burp. Just writing this is making me giggle. I found that after each burp, I burst out in uncontrollable laughter, and I was the only one in the theater laughing. Granted it was a very raining Saturday night at about 12:30, but I was the only one laughing! Am I super immature? Does anyone else go into hysterics when they hear someone fart or burp? How about when you are at the Shabbos table at a friends house, and the Dad lets out a belch. Everyone around the table is used to their dad burping, but me the outsider thinks this is funnier than the word "doody". Just say it. Doody.

How Low Can You Go?

Right now, I happen to love long undershirts for a number of reasons. I like how it looks when I am wearing my black long sleeve tee, and I have my mustard yellow undershirt popping out. I love it how I can bend down and no one will see my back sticking out. Also it adds to the whole layering look, and makes the proportions of my outfit totally off.....I loooove long undershirts! To quote a friend on a recent day of shopping, "Al, your undershirt is so long, I want to tie a belt around it and call it a dress". Now, my undershirt was not that long. It was maybe longer than your average Gap body tank, but by no means was it long enough to declare it a dress. Wearing the undershirt was originally done so if I was wearing a top that was too low cut, one wouldn't be able to see down my shirt. Eventually I wanted my tank to be high enough by my neck but also long enough by my love handles, as a number of years went by, it was purely a comfort thing. It didn't matter how the "overshirt" looked, or how much it covered, I would have to wear an undershirt underneath, no questions asked. However, in a recent shopping spree at Anthropologie, it was employee appreciation week, and I had to buy those super long tanks for $6, yes, they are kinda long, but I love 'em!